
If you don’t know any programming laguage at the moment I suggest you start simple and learn HTML5 and CSS3. These two languages can lead to a better future. Everyone needs a website these days and if you can code you’re one step ahead of the game. You practice these languages on plenty of websites with tutorials. I suggest you start with Code Academy. This site has more than just HTML5 and CSS3 to learn. Again I suggest you start with the basics first and move up from there. You can do so many things just by knowing HTML5 and CSS3. You can code your own website without a CMS like WordPress. You can always use a CMS with a template free or paid and build a great website just by knowing those two languages.

I suggest you start with a WordPress website and go from there. WordPress has so many free themes or premium themes to choose from. You can get a free one and start learning the basics of WordPress. WordPress uses PHP but don’t let that scare you. You don’t have to do anything with the theme files. You can build pages by using HTML5 and CSS3. WordPress gives you the option to use the coder or visual to build your pages. Try out the ‘text’ which is actually the coding part. Once you get the hang of WordPress it can be a lot of fun to build websites.

Some good books to help you learn HTML5 and CSS3

1. Murach’s HTML5 and CSS3
This is actually the book I first bought when learning how to build websites. It is a great book and very easy to follow with plenty of stuff to learn. The book teaches you how to write applications using HTML5 and CSS3. The same way the developers are making applications. The authors show you plenty of content with all the coding on the pages as well. This way you can follow along and do exactly what they’re doing.

2. HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites
If you are a beginner without a technical background I highly suggest this book for you. The book is written for beginners who know little or nothing about building websites. The book is so well written and made for anyone to understand it. I think anyon could pick up this book and learn how to build websites after reading it. So check it out if you’re reading to learn to code.

3. HTML5 and CSS3 all-in-one for Dummies
I know many people might stay clear of these books, but trust me this one is a great one to learn from. I like a lot of the Dummies books because the way they’re written and structured. It’s very easy to follow and read even without a technical background. Within this book it also teaches you a little about PHP, Javascript, and MySQL, which are all good things to know when building websites.

So there are just a few books for all walks of beginners who want to learn how to build websites. Developing and designing websites is a lot more fun than you would think. I take it as an art form. I can’t draw or paint, but I can code and I’m good at it. Developing websites is my way of creating art. I put pride in my websites and want to like what I build, not just building what the client wants me to build. Even though sometimes clients know exactly what they want and don’t want any suggestions or improvements.

If you want some pointers or some advice feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. I’m more than happy to help anyone learn to code and develop websites.