by jeredb28 | Feb 21, 2016 | HTML5 Training Videos
How to code CSS for beginners There are three ways to provide CSS styles to a web page. First, you can code a link that refers to an external style sheet. This is a separate file that holds all of our CSS styles for your web pages. The attributes for a link element...
by jeredb28 | Feb 21, 2016 | HTML5 Training Videos
How to code HTML5 links Most web pages contain links that go to other pages within their own website or external resources around the web. To code links you use the a anchor element. This element is considered an inline element, which you usually code it within a...
by jeredb28 | Feb 14, 2016 | HTML5 Training Videos, Web Design, Web Development
In this lesson you will learn how to structure a web page with HTML5 semantic elements. First I show you how to code the web page using the old HTML ways with the DIV elements. HTML5 makes it easier to see the structure of the page by looking at the HTML tags. Using...
by jeredb28 | Feb 10, 2016 | HTML5 Training Videos, Web Design, Web Development
How to code inline elements for formatting and identifying text. An inline element doesn’t start on a new line. Instead, an inline element is coded within a block element. In this topic, you’ll learn how to code some of the common inline elements...
by jeredb28 | Feb 10, 2016 | HTML5 Training Videos, Web Design, Web Development
HTML5 has a big library of special blocks of text available to use. I only touch on 4 of the more commonly used blocks. In the video you will learn how to code theses blocks of text and what they are best used for. PRE is used for portions of coe that are formatted...
by jeredb28 | Feb 10, 2016 | HTML5 Training Videos, Web Design, Web Development
Headings and paragraphs are the most common content of a website. These elements are called blockelements, and each one begins on a new line when being displayed. When you use an H1 to H6you should use them to provide a logical structure for your document, not to...